QuestionQUESTION: Driving on the road and reach about 50 kmph, hear a skip/hesitation with the car, then the engine died suddenly. Sometimes it happens when I stop at the intersection to make a left turn. Usually after abt 10 seconds and it will restart. This is dangerous though cause it happened on the main roads through town and people had to go around me till it started. While trying to start it it will make all normal car starting noises but it will also make a electrical "grrr" noise that will keep up for a few seconds. The tech drive out on the road to test it, and it didn't happen of course with the tech in the car. This has been going on for a while and no one can seem to pinpoint it. What should I do to fix this problem? Should I be worried about any damage being done to the engine?
ANSWER: Lydia,
See if there are any fault codes listed and deal with those to see if they help with the stalling. Get a fuel pressure gauge on the car to see if the car dies because of no fuel. For the electrical noise all I can offer is to have someone that can hear and trace this noise as it happens. Can not really tell you about damage to the engine as we do not have any idea what the faults are the the noise is. So yes to be on the side of safety be conserened.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I had the code read and the result is 241 which shows EGR system flow too low.
I disconnected the tube that goes to the EGR valve and I got a vacuum. I
disconnected the connector to EGR control or solenoid and there was voltage
about 12.5. Question is how do I check if the EGR control is working or is in
good condition because when I put voltage on it I did not notice anything
different. How do I check it if it is good or not? Is the EGR control is a
solenoid or a contact because the reading shows 93 ohms across the terminal
which looks like the reading of the solenoid coil but if it's a dry contact it's
kind of high reading.
To test the egr controller hook up the VST go to test mode 3 and that will activate the controller. Make sure that it clicks as it gets the voltage.
Checking the EGR Flow
Switch Ignition OFF.
Remove a lead which is coupled to connector 2 on the EGR controller.
Connect a free lead to connector 2 on the EGR controller.
START the engine and let it run at idling speed.
Connect the free lead to ground (engine block).
The engine should now run at an uneven idling speed .
The egr has a controller that allows it to open and close. That in turn is controlled by the engine control unit.