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Volvo: P0037 (heated O2 sensor low voltage), volvo code, srs service

hello Ray,i scanned a vehicle 2001 volvo S60 and came up with codes(P0500,P0573 & P0037) when i noticed the MIL indicator,cleared the codes but P0037(heated sensor control circuit low voltage) stayed on.i also noticed the rpm was stationed at 1000rpm(with or without AC on) but my client still insist on having it at 800-850rpm.also ABS light is on and there is a SRS service urgent indication.how do i rectify the P0037 fault and the resetting the other lights.i use Autoexplorer scan tool presently.

olabode jegede,
Read the codes for the ABS/SRS and repair those faults, or at least read and clear the faults to see if any come back.
I do not show the code you supplied. Try and get a Volvo fault code and trace that according to the book. You will need a scanner that can read the Volvo systems to begin and repair, one that reads Volvo code specific is best.