Volvo: 2000 v 40 cam sensor code po 13, volvo repair, pan air
QuestionQUESTION: I had a V40(2000) come in last week had code po 13 cam sensor replaced sensor, light stayed off for a day now back on and when I reset will come back on after 2 restarts. does this car have more then 1 sensor I replaced the one at the back of the head on the drivers side. the connector goes up to the firewall under that black plastic cover. Any idea on where to go from here, it was a volvo part that I used, could it be bad?
Jeff Albanese
It will set that code if the belt is a tooth off and if the VVT sensor is not working properly. You gave a generic code that does not offer much information. If you read the code with a Volvo scan tool you will likely get more info that will help to narrow the problem. I guess there is the posssibility that the part is defective. You might seek the help of a Volvo repair shop to read codes and do some tests. Fron your discription of the part you did replace the correct piece.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I think I got to the bottom of the code, When checked with a Launch scan tool had code for Camshaft accuactor, I also had bubbles in the oil, Looks like you have to to a sump reaseal and also do the oil trap and clean oil pan really well when apart and replace accuactor withupdated gasket, with screen. The oil get this because of the air being sucked by the seal at pick up in oil pan (air in oil) I also have addes some Marvel oil to help clean before I take it apart. Then go to synthetic oil. with a quick couple short interveral changes then every 7k
Looks like you are on the way to solve the problem. The seals getting old and drying up on the oil pick up has been a problem for some years now. I don't know why there is not a better seal that could be made to stop this problem. Now I do understand that some people abuse their cars and preform very little maintaince, with that being the beginning of major problems.