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Volvo: 1986 240 DL Timing Belt Gear Marks, vacuum line, head gasket

QUESTION: Help.  Replaced head gasket, cam seals, etc.  The gears on all 3 sprokets were disturbed.  What are the correct locations of the 3 gears to insure I have correct timing before installing the new belt.

Cam has notch (11:30 o'clock) in the rear plastic cover. So does the intermiteate shaft (3 o'clock). Crank at 11:30 in the rear timing cover.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Book says timing @ 12 degrees +/- 2 with vacuum disconnected.  On a B230F?  Vacuum?  Okay fellas, which one(s).  There isn't a vacuum line to the distributor.  I just set the thing at 10 with the light but it's a tad sluggish.

Advance the timing a bit and see how that works. I have seen many of the crank pullys where the outer and inner have slipped and now the timing marks are off. If the engine is still sluggish pull the front covers off and double check the timing marks one more time.
Your book was mistaken about the vacuum, perhaps a bit too general.