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Volvo: 2001 s80 a/c intermittent, temperature gauge, temp sensor

When the temperature outside goes above 80 degrees f, the a/c will run very cold for about 3-5 minutes then blow warm air. System has checked fine for freon. If you turn off the a/c once it starts to blow warm, then turn it back on, it will work again for about the same amount of time you let it sit. If it's the outside temperature gauge, what does that look like and where is it? thanks, Bruce

See if there is a temp sensor in the compressor (most do) and by pass it. The sensors have been the source of many problems. If that don't work when the compressor is not running (turns off after the 3-5 minutes)see if there is voltage going to it. If you have the voltage then you need a compressor, because the clutch gap is too great. If the voltage is not there, a wiring or climate unit problem.