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Volvo: 960 volvo wagon, reverse light switch, neutral safety switch

I have two problems with my car #1. Flashing arrow comes on and off at random along with the driving mode lights E-S-W also flashing up and down. Sometimes when it does this car will barely go in the Drive gear and I have to shift it to low to get going. #2. Will cut car off after driving maybe to store and when I try to start it up nothing happens--battery is good-- you can sometimes reenter the key several times and then it will crank and sometimes it will not crank for a couple of days and then all of a sudden no explanation it will just crank up.

First read the codes, you might have a bad gear position sensor. It tells the control unit what gear has been selected and also is reverse light switch and neutral safety switch. You need a scanner to access the system and read the codes. If you go to a shop make sure that they work on Volvo's so you get good service, and the testers they have work on the car.