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Volvo: Volvo C70 service plug behind front passenger seat, volvo c70, plug cap

Hello,.. I recently purchased a 01 Volvo C70 convertible that I absolutly love! One thing is drivng me nuts though. Behind each seat (on the bottom sidewall of inside door frame) is a little plug cap..(not sure what it's for but maybe some kind of service)The passenger side's plug cap is missing. How in the world do I locate a new one? I have no idea what's actually called and honestly looks to be worth about 25cents. Again,..it's located near the floor on the door frame behind the front seats. Where can I get a replacement and what is it called? Thanks so much!!!!

Sometimes there are covers that go over the screws holding the trim on, maybe that is what you see. Go to a dealer and have the parts guy come out and look at the cover and get the trim code so he can order you a new one. You might also ask the service people to look at the car if there are wires that are in it, maybe something was not plugged in.