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Volvo: Head gasket replace, radiator hoses, head gasket

I have a 1991 Volvo 740 turbo.I'm going to replace the head gasket and I wanted to know what other parts I should replace while I'm doing this also what gaskets and seals will I need for this job?
Thanks for your help

Get a "Head set" of gaskets. Replace the t/belt and tensioner, front seals, water pump, t/stat, dist cap, rotor, coolant, oil and filter, heater and radiator hoses, look at the vacuum lines and replace as needed. As you start removing thing you will see other things that are easy to get at and may also want to replace. Always seems that there is!
If the engine has some miles, you may want to pull the valve springs and replace the valve guide seals. Use a straight edge on the head making sure it is flat, have it machined if it is warped over 8 or 10 thousands.