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Volvo: 1997 Volvo 850 GLT Antenna mast, volvo 850 glt, antenna mast

Was cleaning the antenna and noticed that it would only extend partially, thickest section would pop up and the thinnest section would come out but the middle section remained retracted. Spent a long time getting it clean enough to extend the middle part but in the process pulled the whole antenna out of the mount, including the plastic part that feeds to the motor. Have been trying to put it back in ever since, thought it was as simple as feeding it back in and having someone turn on/off the radio until it catches, but no luck. The plastic gets stuck just where the metal sheath connects to the plastic mount (right at the edge of the plastic). Took apart the mount to get a better look, everything was covered in black sludge (normal???? or just lubricant with dirt?). Tried to feed it in backwards from the wheel side to see if there was something jamming and if it could be freed by pushing the opposite way, but no luck. Will feed right through if pushed that way without major pushing. So it must get stuck on something else. What could it be? and How could I fix it? Thanks a ton.

There must be dirt mixed with the grease in your antenna motor. The plastic tail gets feed into the inner sprocket and that moves the antenna. If all that is gummed up you maybe looking at the complete assembly as a replacement. Your procedure of feeding the plastic tail and then turning off the radio is the proper method to install the mast.