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Volvo: cd player 2004 XC90, todays tv, radio repair

My cd player won't work and neither will my radio. It comes on one in a while and not for long. The cd player seems to be ejecting cd # 6 all of the time even though there is no cd in the player. Volvo said they would just replace the unit. I am out of warranty and don't feel like spending $500 on a 3 year old cd player. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Volvo never gave any information on the repair of radios other than replacing them as needed. So if you wanted to pull the radio and check the wire connectors making sure they were tight and in good shape that is about all you can do. Now that is not to say that somewhere they maybe a radio repair person that can offer some chance of taking it apart and repairing it. I think of it as most of todays TV's when they stop working most people replace them. Sorry there is not a short answer, but there is not.