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Volvo: Volvo 240 electrical, orange arrow, volvo 240


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My car has the automatic transmission, it is at about 143,000 miles.

A.)   I am curious to find out why my overdrive automatically turns on every time I start the car?  

( On the dash it shows up as the orange arrow pointing upwards.)
Yet, nothing else shows up on the dash besides the highbeam indicator (if I turn it on) and the battery indicator light (if I rev the engine very high).  

If I have the emergency brake on, the light does not show on the dash to indicate that the emergency brake is on unless I rev the car very high and the battery light turns on and if I have the orange arrow showing on the dash.
At this point the indicator light for the emergency brake on the dash glows very faintly.
I can turn it off by pressing the side button on the drivestick.

When I drive the car, it seems to have the reverse effect of overdrive; when the orange arrow is on, it seems to be in the appropriate gear for the speed.  However when I click in on the gear shifter to take the overdrive off, the orange arrow goes away from the dash and I then I am in overdrive.  I can then hear the whirr of the engine if I am going at a higher speed.

Can you inform me please?  I would be very happy to get a reply on this. :)
The OD needs some testing, very possible the relay or wiring. The relays fail after some years.
The lights on the dash would seem to indicate that there is a wiring or ground problem. It will need some inspection and diagnosis.
The OD will need to be test driven and then evaluate the condition(s) that occur. Wiring or relay problems are the most common. Try to get the car to a Volvo tech as they know the car and are capable of tracing that problem out. There are common problems that can be fixed.
Sorry no easy fix without some drive time and diagnosis time.

Thank you Ray.  

I am curious about wether the wiring to fix this dash lighting problem can be fixed under the hood or under the dash within the car ?

I appreciate you answering my concerns.
I look forward to recieving more answers as more problems arise with my very old Volvo. lol

Make sure the connections on the rear of the cluster are all tight, make sure the alternator has a ground wire on it.
Check the ground at the "E" brake handle. Any of the ground wires that you see while under the dash make sure that they are in good condition and tight.