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Volvo: 92 volvo 240 Transmission SENSOR ?, neutral safety switch, shift lock

The car was in a front end accident, shortly after the engine was running and the transmission would shift. After the car was towed to my house; the car will not start or shift. Is there a motor mount or transmission mount that could have broke and trigged a transimission SENSOR to not shift out of park? And not let the engine start? How do I find this sensor and fix it? I know the engine is still good but it will not start. Thank you in advance.

The car has shift lock and there is a small level to pull at the bottom of the shift brushes. The fuse for the shift lock may have blown. If the motor and or trans mount have broken then also the shifter could be jammed. Do an inspection of the shift lock and mounts to see what has stopped the shifter from operating.
There is a neutral safety switch under the shifter cover that may have become loose and or broke due to the hit. This allows the engine to only start in neutral and park. There are aligning marks on the switch, they are for neutral and park.