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Volvo: Driving short distances on a daily basis, hot enought, vanpool

I have been in a vanpool for the past six months.  In the morning, I drive 2.5 miles from my house to the commuter lot...and then the same 2.5 miles back home in the evening. I have been told that such short-distance driving is very hard on the engine.  Can you give me some information on this?  Thanks!  

Yes there is some truth to that saying. The oil never really gets hot enought to burn out all the condensation in it, the battery will not get fully charged after starting it and using all the comsumables. Try taking the car on a longer ride over the weekend to "blow" it out and charge the battery heat up the oil, dry out the exhaust system. All those things will help. Now keep this in mind, many people also do as you so and their cars are all going good.