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Volvo: 1990 240dl volvo, fuel gauge, throttle plate

i have a problem with my car it seems to stall out of the blue.it seems that when is been in high rpm and maybe 30sec to 2min later it stall without spouter or no signs really.then the check engine light will tern on and the car will have full power again without having to turn the key i was wondering if you could help me?

Yeah install a fuel gauge that you can see so you know if you are loosing fuel. Also read the codes and see what they say. You may find air mass meter or fuel trim codes and those could mean an air mass meter fault. If so try a known good Air mass and see if that helps. Inspect and clean the throttle housing. The carbon deposits cause stalling problems. If there is a lot of build up on the throttle plate then go ahead and do intake cleaning with a chemical that will penatrate and remove those deposits and that will also clean the intake valves. A good system that I use is the BG fuel system cleaner. That will be available from a shop only. I have never seen it in a parts store.