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Volvo: buying a volvo 240 wagon, volvo 240 dl, volvo 240 wagon

How would I go about asking a volvo mechanic to check a used car i'm thinking of buying? what types of things can they tell me? i live in DC...not sure the owner would let me take the car...haven't asked yet. here is the car...thanks!

Have the Volvo tech give the car a complete look over checking all accessories and systems for faults. That should give a good idea of how much you need to spend to get the car in tip top condition. That will take the tech about one hour of labor to look over the car.
The car looks and sounds like it is nice and will give good service. But have the car looked at to see if there are any faults that one can not see by just looking at the top and not getting under to see what all the things underneath look like.