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Volvo: Volvo 01 S60 2.3L turbo Std ABS Module Issues w/TCS, futher analysis, wheel speed

Dealer diagnosed ABS control module bad after replacing antenna sensor in steering column ( car wouldn't turn over ); got car back & ABS light came on.
Then rec'd fault message "brake failure, service urgency ( as well as "TCS msg & Emission Syst service reqd" & red "brake" idiot light, Yel ABS light, Yel Check Eng Light - dealer initially said LH front wheel sensor was bad but futher analysis indicated problem was only ABS module (also lost speedometer /cruirs cntrl). I ordered aftermarket ABS control module (Performa); installed it-did not communicate w/ECM ( per delaer w/ABS scan tool) Bought OEM ABS module - installed - same results. Took to dealer, said LH front wheel speed sensor bad ( after saying it was OK); ordered & installed. All lights & faults cleared for approx 20 min - then returned, now have fault P1500-"starter signal ckt"...4200 later & not fixed; to dealer 12/19...y'r thoughts on original wheel speed sensor & abs control module. Thanks, Frustrated in Syracuse

I can understand that both the control unit and the wheel sensor needed to be replaced they have a history of faults, but not sure why the other faults occured. My thought would be a trip back to the dealer and a talk with the service manager to explain the whole process and have him direct the tech to read the codes and find the faults. If that fails make an appointment with the service rep that goes to that dealer and explain the problem and see if they can help the dealer fix all faults.