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Volvo: crunching noise form front on volvo s60, wheel hubs, volvo repair

Hi I have a 2002 volvo s60, it has about 48,000 miles on it. Whenever i start up that car and begin moving I hear a crunching sort of noise or scratching noise coming which sounds something liek if your wheels were rubbing against something. It only happens for a second and then its gone. But it happens everytime I start up the car. It does not occur when the car is runnign and at idle state and then i start running, only when the ignition is off and i start her up and begin to move.

The ABS always runs a self test just after starting the car. You may be able to feel this "self test" in the brake pedal. If that us not the noise then I suggest you set up an appointment with a Volvo repair shop and demonstrate the noise so it can be traced. Possibilities brakes, axles, front wheel hubs.