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Volvo: 1984 240 - will not idle, hell tank, throttle plate

Hi Ray,

My 240 wagon has lost it's idle! Had been running like a top. Idiosyncrasies aside, I love this car - wife and kids are after me to give it up.

At low rpm, this car just stalls now. It will start, but immediately stall unless throttle is worked to attain higher rpm at which point it will run. Gas in tank was dead low prior to problem.

I've installed new fuel filter and main fuel pump - figured what the hell. Tank pump seemed to operate well. Same problem. Am getting fuel at rail thus presume relay is good, though have not checked pressure (no tool for that). I've got good spark at the plugs. Could pressure control valve be causing these symptoms? Any easy way to check system pressures? Your thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks!

If the fuel pressure is too low then it may not idle. Remove the throttle plate and clean the carbon out. Use carb spray cleaner. You may since the tank went low have  clogged injectors. Have the injectors cleaned, and see if that will help. Use the cleaning system that will run the cleaner directly into the rail.