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Volvo: I hope someon can help, test scanners, rubber boots

I am driving a 93 pontiac grand am and really know nothing about vehicles. My car has  been acting up lately it has been putting when I accelerate too fast. It  finally broke down I  had a diagnostics test done and they said I had  2 bad ignition coils and 4 rubber boots bad. So I bought a book and 2 coils and replcaed them myself. I took it around the block a couple of times and it was fine, later I went to the store and it never ran better, then on my way to school it was running  fine I came to a stiolight and when slowing down it shook and killed. It started fine but as soon as I put it into gear it would kill. Tried this several times over the next half hour finally tow truck came he brought it to my house and when he was parking it he started it up and drove it just fine, he even  went around the block with it and it ran fine. Could you possibly shed some light on the sublect for me?
Thank You!

Take the car to a shop that has test scanners and have them hook up and read all fault codes. At that point more faults may show up. If the car has no codes they should drive the car with the scanner hooked up and monitor the signals. That should show what is missing and help to lead the tech in the direction of the problem.