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Volvo: 1998 v70 turn signals wont blink, turn signals, signal light

Hi Ray-
Straight 98 V70.  Would you happen to know why, all of the sudden, my turn signals won't blink?  All bulbs are good.  When selecting the signal, left or right, the signal light comes on solid (inside and outside)  Of course I can manually blink the lights but it gets old after a while.  Thanks in advance for your help.  By the way, my ABS and Tracks lights are also on steady.  The brakes feel a little funny, especially after exiting the freeway when driving at relatively high speeds.  Think its the brakes?

First make sure that the 4 way flasher switch is operational and not stuck. Second remove the front lights and look inside the sockets and the bulbs see if they are burnt. If there are signs of burning replace sockets and the bulbs.
ABS and TRACS what are the codes? More than likely it will need a new control unit. These are high failure control units.