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Volvo: Volvo 340 1.7 Timing belt tensioner, timing belt tensioner, tensioner pulley

I tried to change my timing belt but hit a snag.

The Haynes Manual say to losen the tensioner nut (which seams to be an eccentric thing) but my 1990 1.7 doesnt have a nut or an eccentric.  I loosened 2 6mm allen screws in the bae plate but they were not in slots so no adjustment could be made.  The tensioner pulley applies no pressure at the moment and the belt is loose.  Is this a later automatic type or is something wrong


What you describe sounds like you have an automatic tensioner and works a bit differently. The automatic tensioner needs to be reset before it is installed and that requires a special tool.  Using a vise works, but is not the prefered method. If your cars mileage is high replace the tensioner with a new one. The new one is already reset and only requires installation. After installing the belt turn the engine over by hand at least two revolutions, then see that all the timing marks line up and no problems exsist.