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Volvo: C70 2.4 stall after starting, many different things, volvo dealer

Hi Jimmy, i have a 1999 C70. I have had it 3 years and it has always had a minor stall problem now and again. It use to start fine and now and again when i dipped the clutch and let the car idle while rolling to some traffic lights it would stall, but started ok. It would sometimes do this if I held the clucth in while turning which was dangerous as when it stalled its cuts the power steering!  I have lived ok with this. But last week I struggled to start it. It took about 8 goes.  There is power in the battery. I turn the key and the engine turns over briefly, the engine fires up and f i have my foot on the accelerator it revs once upto 3000-4000 revs but then just dies and stalls.

Can you help Many thanks Marc

Hello Marc! That problem can be cause by many different things. However, There is a software update available for the ETM (Electronic Throttle Module). In some cases, The ETM may need to be replaced. Check with a local Volvo dealer. The repair is being offered free of charge. I would start there.
