Volvo: Fuel Pump Relay, fuel pump relay, turbo intercooler
QuestionHello there! I hope you can help too. :)
I have an '88 Volvo 760 Turbo Intercooler that will die at random (while driving on the freeway, at a light, whenever) and sometimes it will start right back up and other times I have to wait 1 to 45 mins. Sometimes it will just die quickly, other times it will idle horribly and give me a warning. When I do get it to start, it will die when I push the gas, but only sometimes.
I am at my wits end and need to find out what it could be. I thought maybe the fuel pump, but have been reading that it's most likely the Fuel pump relay. I pulled it out and it looks great. Do you have any insight or suggestions?
Anything would help.
Thank you very much, Meg.
AnswerHello Meg! Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for that problem. You will need to find out what is missing when the car dies? Is there spark? Is there fuel? If you can tell me what is missing, I can narrow the problem down for you. It is best to have a technician check it for you.