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Volvo: Reset Engine Light on 1991 Volvo 740 (non turbo), bosch oxygen sensor, oem sensors

I had a problem where the Engine light kept coming on and when it did i would start losing power.
I took it to the dealership because noone else seemed to want to run a diagnostics on a car older then '96.
The dealership told me that the oxygen sensor was out of range and It should be replaced.
I Bought a new Bosch oxygen sensor and had it put in the car, but the engine light still comes on.
A) does the engine light need reset after replacing the oxygen sensor? If yes, How?
B) If its not just a reset issue, and the diagnostic code was a bad oxygen sensor but replacing it didnt stop the light from going on, what else could it be?

The O2 sensors in that year model car was and is a bit troublesome. Have the codes read and see what codes have returned. If they are O2 sensor codes you need to buy both front and rear O2 sensors from the dealer and it may include a small wire harness also. Have the OEM sensors installed and clear the codes see if that will keep the light off. After market sensors even Bosch that are not from Volvo may not be compatable. If one sensor is bad and that one is replaced, the other sensor is also as old and has slowed down that will set another code.
The only way to reset the check engine light or even the service light is to have a scan tool that will read codes and reset the light. If there are trouble codes, they must be repaired and then the light can be reset. The system is pretty smart and monitors all systems to see that they are fault free.