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Volvo: 98 s70 brake bleeding, old fashion way, thanks in advance

ray, i have 98 s70 with 60k. i am soon to change the rotors(as they appear to be wearing thin)and probably put new pads on also.(volvo brands)i am guessing the genuine parts are best if afforded. my question is can i and do you recommend bleeding the system? last time i stuck some aftermarket pads(which are probably still good) on i just pushed back the calipers. with the car off, the abs isnt on anyhow right? can i just do the old pump and open the bleeder routine? thanks in advance for any advice, j.d.

The genuine parts usually always work out the best. You can bleed the brakes the old fashion way, however because of having ABS there is more fluid in that car than one without ABS, so that means more time bleeding to get the old fluid out and new in. If at all possible have the system power bled, it is faster and will force all the old fluid along with any air out of the system without the possibility of sucking some air in while bleeding the system manually.