Volvo: 740 gl 1987turning over wont start, volvo experience, auto electrician
Questiondriving car while my father is in Greece had no problems with it backed it into my driveway for the night then next day won't start had petrol but just in case I topped it up no good called auto electrician found there was spark petrol charge etc diagnosed it as a possible timing belt problem but engine is turning looked inside casing by bending back the p;astic cover belt is still attached what would you suggest is the next step no money to fix it at the moment and worried that if it goes to a non volvo mechanic he'll be pulling out motors and belts and anything else he can get his hands on please save me I am trapped in this modern world without a car.
What you need is a tech with Volvo experience to see what signals are missing. Fuel pumps and or the relays. Ignition power stage, coils, poor connections at all the above listed parts. Injector pulse possible missing, could indicate the power stage or bad control unit.