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Volvo: motor dies for no apparant reason., freeway driving, hot day

Its an 850 94 Volvo with 125k miles.  Car is in good condition.
While on long trip after stopping for gas it wouldnt start, it
would just stumble trying to start.   I would wait 5 minutes and
then it would start.  This was consistant during trip.  Also while
driving in traffic one hot day it starts to sputter and drops dead.  
I sit for 5 minutes and then it starts right up.  

This can happen while freeway driving or in traffic.  Very
unpredictable.  Wont do it for my mechanic of course.  

Until the problem becomes more consistant it will be tough to find. Have the shop that works on your car drive it the way you have to dupulcate the exact way you do to find the problem. Read any code and see if there is spark and fuel when it happens.