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Volvo: All Dash Lights on, 1994 volvo 940, volvo 940

Thank you SO much!!! It was actually the Alternator Belt and I made it right around the corner from the shop before she died.

I apppreciate your help.

Have a great day!!!

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Question -

1994 Volvo 940 Sedan - Not a turbo
Over 184K

I was driving in today and all my dash lights turned on while on the highway.

I could have sworn I heard "like" a clicking sound when I first started it up today. I am almost positive I heard a different kind of sound.

I pulled in the parking lot of my job, turned it off and back on again. It did start up but all the dash lights are still on.

Can anybody steer me in the right direction? My main concern is if I can make it home or to a repair shop like this.

Ride home is about 25 minutes and it is over 100 degrees today if that matters.

I appreciate any help you can provide


Answer -
Very difficult to say that you will make it home. If all the dash lights are on usually that means that the charging system is not working, for some reason. You will have to make it to the closest shop and have that checked...

Most times I find it worth while to take the car to someone that will also inspect things under the hood and on the suspension, that catches those parts that about to break before it happens. I have in my own shop a oil change and  safety inspection that I do for my clients.