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Volvo: Volvo 850 turbo check engine light, air hoses, port a2

I checked the codes on the diagnostic port A2.
one was a 443, the other a 435. Any clue to what they mean? By boost valve, do you mean the turbo bypass valve (waste gate)? I checked that, and it seems to be fine, starts to open at 2psi or so and linkage is intact. Plenty of pressure at throttle body from turbo, so much in fact that I cant hold my hand over it, so I believe the charge air intercooler hoses are fine. Ideas?

Followup To

Question -
Hi- I have 95 850 turbo. While sitting at idle the other day for several minutes the CEL came on. The car seems to run fine, but I noticed the turbo now has no boost. It still spools up, (pulled charge air hose and checked for flow) but will not go build than a 1 or 2psi. I checked the  chareg air hoses for leaks (In the past i've found them easily by sound) but none were found. Since it happened at idle i'm thinking maybe some failed emission control or the BOV is bleeding manifiold pressure off, any thoughts? THANKS-Jim

Answer -
Read the code that is stored and see if that leads to a fault. It would sound like a boost valve maybe missing a line or it's broken, has become disconnected.

Code 435 is Front oxygen sensor slow, and 443 is Catalytic converter efficiency signal too low. Since the code for the O2 sensor is first check how well it is working. The second code is there because if the O2 is not metering the fuel mixture well enough then the cat will suffer and be unable to do it's job. Boost valve, is there a valve on the air cleaner housing that has two or three hoses on it? That would be the valve that I am talking about. However you are not getting any codes that would indicate that there is a problem with the boost valve.
Your problem sounds like one that will need someone to test drive the car and follow the codes to get to the bottom of it all. See you say that the turbo is spooling up but at the same time there is no power and plenty of pressure at the throttle housing. With the code for the O2 and a limited amount tof power, there may be a fuel metering problem, unless there is charge air leaking out of the manifold system.