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Volvo: Stalling, immobilizer system, key cylinder

2001 C70 2.3 Turbo AUTOMATIC

When I start up, it usually will start OK for 2-3 seconds, then shuts down. If I try again immediately afterwards, it will do the same again. On the 3rd go, it wont start at all. If I leave it 10 mins and try again, I may be lucky and it will start. Battery is fine, it doesnt vary if I havent used the car in a few days either.  I saw your answer about an imobilizer which had to do with a chip in the key.  My key doesn't seem to have a chip though. Is it not visible?   Many Thank

Hello Brent! You will need a Volvo technician to check the immobilizer system. It sounds like the is a fault there. The chip is embedded in the rubber of the key. There is an antenna around the ignition key cylinder that reads the chip so that the car will start.\
