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Volvo: engine oil and anti freeze mix, radiator tank, turbo wagon

i have a 1995 850 turbo wagon it has been service by the dealer only the motor oil has mix with the anti-freeze in the reservoir. how is this happening and is it the head. the motor starts and run while . And is worth getting fix and how much would this cost to repair.Or would it be cheaper to replace the motor and were would i find one help i love my car  

It may not be the motor at fault. You need to have it checked out. Since the engine runs so well you need to look at the radiator. The radiator on Turbo's has an oil cooler in the radiator tank on the right side very much like the one on the left side for the transmission. I would have that radiator tested and see if that is what is causing the oil in the reservoir. If the cooler in the tank is leaking that would be the cause of the oil.