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Volvo: 1988 240 DL wagon failed emissions, charcoal cannister, vacuum lines

Recently bought car for my 16 year old son. Works o.k but needs a little TLC. Didn't pass emissions today. Report listed vacuum lines to sensor as missing and off ignition timing. We can work on timing at home, but what are the vacuum lines. I can't find in my book or on line, and since their missing I don't know where to look. Hoping these two things will fix the problem Thanks.

theres a vacuum diagram sticker under the hood but theres not too many of vacuum lines, i would check the hose that goes to the ignition spark computer next to the washer fluid, it gets connected to the intake manifold, the other ones are connected to the top of the engine (you can follow them to see where they go) and the 2 on the throttle go to the charcoal cannister near the left headlight, under it actually in front of the wheel and back to the gas tank under the car