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Volvo: Volvo Fuel Pump, volvo s70, 1999 volvo s70

I have a 1999 Volvo S70 with 94K miles.  Recently, it has been hard to start.  Someone told me it was a fuel pump problem and the temporary solution was to turn the key and listen to the "bongs", then turn the key back and then start the car.  It usually works but now and then it will immediately stall out.  Worse, if I drive just a short distance, like doing errands, it is impossible to restart after I have driven it just a short time.  If I let it sit 10-15 minutes, I can usually get it to start. What is the problem?  What is the real fix and how expensive is it?  I really appreciate your help!

Hello Mimi! I have never heard anything about "bongs". It sounds like someone really didn't know what they were talking about. That problem would be tough for me to solve without seeing the car. I would have to know What was missing when the car dies. Is there spark? Is there fuel? There are many reasons why your car can be acting that way. It is best to have a qualified Volvo technician expereince the problem for an accurate diagnosis.
