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Volvo: 2002 Volvo S80 keyless remote, volvo s80, volvo enthusiast

I bought a used keyless remote for our 2002 Volvo S80 and was unable to program it.  I took it to a dealer and was told I needed a 16-digit PIN to program the remote.  The remote did not come with a 16-digit pin and the seller does not have it.  Do you know a way I can program the remote?  Is the 16-digit PIN required for the dealer or anyone else to program the remote?

i don't know.....you might remove the battery for an hour (to erase the old password), if it's possible to erase it,  provided you have instructions from a manual- this is just a guess, i don't even know if it has a battery, check www.brickboard.com -a volvo enthusiast site; or your dealer, i would go with the site though