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Volvo: 96 960 sunroof, inner fender, drain tube

The sunroof just started leaking from the drivers front corner. Are there adjustments that I can make to seal it? It appears that the glass is sitting a little lower and a little farther back on the driver side than the passenger side.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can give me.

Yes an adjustment might just help out your leak. Also look to see if the drain tube at the front corners of the roof are blocked and need cleaning. They exit the car forward of the front door in the inner fender area. There are drains to the rear of the roof and you can only see them in the truck area. Those hoses take the water and drain it under the car. The hoses come out of the rear roof support panel and exit under the car.
To make some adjustments you have to push back the headliner and then remove the small side panels left and right side. They sould just "pop" off. At this point you will see the area of adjustment and some screws that you loosen and push on the glass to realign it and retighten the screws.