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Volvo: volvo S70, coolant level, volvo s70

My volvo has been going strong for a very long time, with 160,000 plus miles, I am very confident when I wake up each morning that I will have a ride to work.  Today it was the opposite. My coolant light came on yesterday but I had to get to my job.  When I got home, I had to do plenty of homework, so I simply forgot to put antifreeze in. This morning I try starting it, and it makes an effort, but it wont turn over. Any help would be much appreciated.

If the coolant level was to low and the engine was overheating then what could have happened is that it got so hot that the cylinder head warped and now it will not start just crank over. You need some shop to diagnosis the no start and see what happened. Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best...