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Volvo: Stalling problem on a 1990 40 GLE Wagon, spark plug wires, rubber hoses

I have a 1990 740 GLE 16 valve Volvo wagon. It has just over 200k miles on it. Everything was running fine. I did not notice my problem unitl after I drove it straight for 800 miles. It had stalled out on me in the middle of traffic. All the lights on on dash board come on. So i tried to start it again. The engine runs, but all the lights on the dashboard are on. But it will not move at all. When I press on the gas peddle the RPMs will not go up. Plus the brake is hard. Sometimes I have to wait 15 minutes until the car will start back up. If the car sits for a a couple of hours and then I try and start it, most of the time it starts hard and takes about 10 seconds to turn over, then it will idle funny for a few minutes. Sometimes I have to start the car twice because the first time all the engine lights will come on. After 15 minutes or so of driving it, if I stop then try and go it accelortaes at a very slow pace then picks up to normal acceleration. Could you please give me some suggestions of what the problem may be? If you need anymore information please let me know.

there's a small mesh plastic filter for the fuel pump in the gas tank, could be that, probably not, tho, i think it's a fuel problem, like the fuel filter clogged, or maybe the fuel pump, if i were you i would find a good mechanic, (NOT a gas station) , like a foreign place but make sure the place is clean, have them check the fuel pressure, just tell them you want the fuel pressure checked and thats it, don't let them do lot's of other stuff, before you do that, you can do this yourself- check to make sure all small rubber hoses under the hood are attatched and not broken, this can cause huge problems, there's a label that tells you where they go, i would make sure the dist. cap and rotor and spark plug wires are ok, and hard starting first thing in the morning means spark plugs need to be changed