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Volvo: 1990 760 turbo srs reset, spade connectors, steady beam

how do i reset srs light on 1990 760 turbo

Read the code and correct any and all problems. Go to the fuse box look at the list and I think #5 is the test port.
Make a test lead with a spade at both end plug it into the test port.
Fault codes are displayed by flashing of warning lamp. Several faults, if present are displayed in succession at 4 seconds intervals.
Requesting Fault Code Display
Turn ignition On, warning lamp will display a steady beam indicating presence of a fault. (Lamp will otherwise be extinguished after approximately 10 seconds). Wait 15 seconds to allow system to complete self-diagnostics.
Ground test terminal for 2-5 seconds. When ground connection is removed, lamp will commence to display fault code(s) before reverting to steady light. Lamp will flash immediately when ground connection is removed, however this is not a fault code just confirmation that a request has been made.
If no fault code is displayed, switch ignition Off and On and repeat test. If this does not function, check connection to combined instrument. Ground leads must be fitted with spade connectors at both ends. Refer to table for fault tracing repair.
Clearing those codes:
Do not turn ignition Off between request and clearance of fault code. When fault has been corrected, warning lamp must be cancelled (fault code cleared) to restore normal operation. Clear fault code as follows:

Repeat code display procedure by grounding test terminal for 2-5 seconds.
Ground test terminal three times within 1.5-5 seconds, for at least 0.25 seconds on each occasion.
Warning lamp will be extinguished for 4 seconds and then relight for 3 seconds to confirm clearance of fault codes(s). Final extinction of lamp indicates restoration of normal function.
If lamp does not go out, repeat display procedure.