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Volvo: groaning between 30-50 mph after brake change, brake calipers, procrastinator

Hello Ray,

I have a 1990 240dl wagon. let me give A little history. I needed
to change my brake calipers, pads and rotors, this was not new
as I'm a terrible procrastinator. A moaning noise began when I
drove, so I changed them on both front wheels, new calipers,
pads and rotors. The noise is still there, it starts at about
25mphs and stops after a bit, it almost sounds like a grinding
noise. What have I overlooked?

PS the front calipers failed originally because they would seaze
closed, ilet this go one for far too long.

Thanks for your help

If the noise is there when you are not appling the brakes then you need to look eslewhere. At 25 mph I am guessing that you ar not appliing the brakes, correct? While you where putting the brakes on did you possible bend the backing plate and now it is rubbing on the rotor as it passes?