Volvo: seatbelts in rearseat of 1999 V70 wagon, seat belts, carseat
QuestionI recently folded down my backseat and put back into the upright position the same day. I tried to buckle in my child's carseat and cannot get the seatbelt to expand. I lowered the backseat again to see what was wrong and now the seat will not go back into the upright position because of the seatbelt. This is the longer section of the backseat that has the middle and end seatbelt and they are both locked at this time. I have taken the child safety lock off of both after this happened and still nothing will work. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks
I sounds as if your seat belts locking mechanism has malfunctioned. Drive the car a few miles making some stops and turns, then retry the belts, the locking mechanism may have released to allow them to start working again. If not take the car to the shop and have them inspect it and advise you futher. Seat belts are very important, so do not delay.