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Volvo: 1992 240 cut out and wouldnt restart, fuel pump relay, fuel gauge

My 240 stalled and then wouldn't restart for me this morning. It was trying to trurn over but couldn't make it.  I had it towed to my longtime mechanic and he hasn't been able to replicate the problem.  Says it started right up for him and he ran it for 45 minutes trying to replicate the problem.  He says it could be the gas pump starting to go bad but he doesn't want to sell me a new one until he's sure (I know, he's a great guy).  What do you think?  The car has about 140k miles and usually runs great - I use it mostly for easy commuting (10 miles r/t a day).  Would you put a lot more money into it?  

I would not put a lot of unnecessary money into the car. However for short trips you do need the car to run. When the car would not start the engine would crank over, so the battery should not be the fault. Now we need to know do we have spark and fuel? So next time this happens listen or test with a fuel gauge and test light. Is the fuel pump running and is it getting power 12 volts? The weak point in that car is the fuel system. Fuses, fuel pump relay, fuel pump, control unit, wiring etc. I have replaced many fuses and tons of fuel pump relays.