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Volvo: faulty gas and temperature gague on 93 240, gas gauge, gague

i have a 93 240 wagon.  a while back the gas gauge stopped working properly - (it would take a VERY long time for the needle to move to the proper place, and often stopped below 1/2 tank when the tank was full.)  Then one day it stopped working altogether, as well as the temperature gague. Please help!

Because both gauges stopped working I would look for power or ground problems at the cluster and its grounding point. You can find the wires in the rear of the car for the fuel sender and take a ohms reading and see that it is steady. By using a guage tester you can "dial in" a specific ohm to see if the gauge will operate. You can pull the sender and turn the key on and move the float to see if it will make changes on the dash. These changes will not be seen right a way. You can turn off the key and move the float say to half and turn the key on to see if it works and do the same at the full and empty points.