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Volvo: 1996 Volvo 850 Turbo A/C recharge/repair, compressor clutch, favorite service

Thank you for being here and doing what you are doing!!!!!!

My 850 apparently has a leak in the A/C.  I know this because when the A/C is engaged the compressor clutch cycles on and off every 3-4 seconds.  I was told this means it is low.  I was told when I bought the car it was a slow leak and could be recharged which would last a few years at least.  

I am getting it serviced now, but was told up front that it is illegal in Canada to recharge the A/C without repairing a slow leak.  Is this true?  Do I have to have it repaired?  

Thanks again...both of you.

I am not sure of the laws in Canada, but with the price of freon and the service fees either way sounds expensive. Also keep in mind that most systems will require service every so often, so maybe a service of the system will make it last a year or two. I think a call to your favorite service garage to ask some more questions is in order.