Volvo: replacing heater valve volvo940 se, heater valve, knowlegeable
Questionhaving trouble removing old heater valve. Do I have to dismantle the whole dashboard to get at it.have loosened all bolts but still not freed?
Thanks steve
Fluid had been leaking into drivers footwell v.slowly for over a year
Answeri'm not sure of the 940s , check to see if you can see it next to the gas pedal, and where the cable is going to it, if it has one, (if it's not vacuum actuated) vaccuum will have a very soft hose going to it, a very sturdy cable has a manual wire going from the hot and warm control, i'm not sure how to get the dash off on 940s , you shouldn't have to take the whole dash off, just where the hot cold sliding control is , if it has a vacuum hose the dash doesn't have to come off. hope this helps but i'm giving all this info cuz i don't know about 940s, you can find tons of volvo help from / a volvo site with very knowlegeable people