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Volvo: exhaust emission light on dash, air induction, combustion chamber

hi there i changed the air filter on my 2.0 940 turbo kreg and i had to take off the air induction pipes to get to it. when i put it all back together and started car the exhaust emissions light came on and the car is running very badly. i have doubly checked that every thing is on properly and am now stumped. can you help?

Sorry it took so long to respond...even worse, I'm not sure I can help.  The only educated guess I could make is that something got into your intake while you had it torn apart.  As for the car running badly, my imagination runs wild, but if anything (especially coolant) got into the combustion chamber, that would definately affect driveability and your emission sensor.  Again, sorry for the delayed response, hope this was at least somewhwat helpfull.