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Volvo: 2002 S80 Turbo, sway bar link, inner tie rod

Hi,  I bought an S80 with 36,000 miles. Have had all routine service since.  Today, at 52,500 I was told by Volvo dealer in Maine that it has: L/R Sway Bar Link Loose, L/Inner Tie Rod End Loose, R/Inner Tie Rod End Loose, R/Outer Tie Rod End Loose and 4 wheel alignment, all to cost $904.95! Is this something that could have been noticed before 50,000 and under warranty?  The service manager was not in for me to speak to today. Should I believe them?  

Hello Karen! Those are all very common repaires for the S80. I do not doubt that those problems exist. Although, they are not items that just go immediately. They usually wear over time. anything can happen within a 7500 mile service interval. You should have had some warning signs. There would have been suspension noise and sloppy steering to let you know that there was a problem developing. I would talk to the service manager. Maybe he/she can do something for you.
