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Volvo: 92 940 GL Engine dies intermittantly, fuel pump relay, volvo owners

Jimmy, I own a 92 940 GL, the engine dies about about 2 times a day once a week, it may by running at highway speed or at an inersection. i have had a volvo mechanic trouble shoot it but it seems to be running fine when he checks it out, so he is no help, i do know that i have cleanded the battery terminals and related battery wires and it seems to remedy the problem for a couple of weeks then comes back, i am an avionics technition and know the wireing is not corroded or impropperly crimped, i definatly belive it is something to do with the ignition system, like some sort of ignition kill signal. i know it is not fuel issue. I have read all of the articles that relate to this problem and there seems to be alot of them, that i belive there is a single issue with these cars that is causing this. I am curious of what has possibley fixed these problems with these other volvo owners. If you could give me some of there fixes that'd be great.

Hello! There is no one single fix for that problem. You need to determine what exactly is missing when the car dies. Does it restart right away? Is spark present? Is the fuel pump running? The more info I have, I may be able to narrow it down for you. If I had to guess, the most common issue is the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay.
