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Volvo: starting problem, fuel pump relay, fuel pumps

After working on the instrument cluster I cannot get my 1981 240 to start. It acts like it wants to start, but seems like it is not getting any fuel. I have checked to see if I disconnected the fuel pump relay, but it is connected. I took the relay out of it's case and checked it, it looks OK. How can I tell if it is in fact OK? Is there more than one relay? I checked the fuses for the two fuel pumps, they are both good. What else can be the problem? There is plenty of gas in the tank.

There is a way to bypass the relay to see if the pumps work.  You have to short two of the terminals on the connector to the relay.  I can't remember which ones it is, but you can take a wire and pick terminals until you hear the pumps.  If none of the combinations work, then go apply 12 V directly to each of the pumps to make sure they work.  If they do, then I would start looking for a short between the relay and the pumps.  In an 81, you have the possibility of a rotted wire harness, which means you can get random shorts like this.  Getting a Hayne's manual at Pepboys to get the circuit diagrams for the car might be a good idea in this case.  Good luck!