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Volvo: No horn/rumbling brakes (cont.), brake pads and rotors, rear brakes

Hi Jimmy-

Real quick follow-up:

The 1995 850 horn that doesn't work - you answered "The problem with the horn may be in the steering wheel. You will have to replace it."  IPD sells a horn repair kit (VS870K).  Is this a possible alternative to replacing the steering wheel?

I asked about getting rumbling when braking from higher speeds.  Rear brakes and rotors were just installed.  Your answer:  "Check to see what type of brake pads and rotors were used. Sometimes, the cheaper aftermarket brakes will do that."  I did use the cheaper ones.  Is there any safety issue with continuing to drive on these for now?

Again, I really appreciate all your help.  

Hey Phil! The horn repair kit may work. Iti s hit and miss. It can't hurt to try it since i is cheaper than a new wheel.
I would suggest upgrading the brakes to Volvo original or OEM eqivalent. You will find better braking all around. Cheaper is not always better.
