Volvo: 940GLE T hot, worst case senario, piston rods
QuestionI am writing to aid a Katrina vistim who had to displace her and her young son to Vegas to continue her deaf education due to her school being gone here in LA. Apparently someone added oil for her on the trip, and neglected to put the oil cap back on. Needless to say her oil spewed out resulting in the car overheating. A local in Vegas has said her head gasket is blown due to antifreeze in the oil. What other damage could have been done by this? I am trying to help her with relaible information.
AnswerIt all depends on how bad the overheat was. It could have warped the head, which would require the seam to be remachined when the head gasket is replaced. Some of the bearings on the piston rods could have been damaged as well, which would require a complete rebuild. That is probably worst case senario. If the mechanic determined that the gasket blew, and can successfully repair it, then that's probably all the damage that was done. If the car runs fine after the repair then you're probably ok. Any of the other damage I mentioned would be noticable and make the car unusable until more work was done. Let me know if you need more information.